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338 Canada

The 338Canada project is a statistical model of electoral projections based on opinion polls, electoral history, and demographic data. This website is a creation of Philippe J. Fournier, physics and astrophysics professor at Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montreal. Click here […]

Elections Ontario

Click here for more information from Elections Ontario on how to vote, voter information services, accessible voting, and more. To be eligible to vote in an Ontario election, you must be: 18 years of age or older; a Canadian citizen; […]

Bulletin to Members: Ontario Election 2022 has begun – Party platforms are taking shape

Wednesday May 4th marked the beginning of Ontario’s 43rd general election. From the frenetic pace of spending, program and party platform announcements flooding every conceivable media channel over the past weeks, one could be forgiven for assuming that the campaign […]

Bulletin to Members: Ontario Government Releases Winter 2022 P3 Market Update

No. 22/01 – January 14, 2021 Thursday morning, the government of Ontario released its Winter 2022 P3 Market Update. With the infrastructure minister foregoing the usual direct communication with industry stakeholders to highlight and explain particular details in the market […]

Bulletin to Members: Provincial government has released A Plan to Safely Reopen Ontario and Manage COVID-19 for the Long-Term

No. 21/041 – November 5, 2021 Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy Thursday afternoon delivered Build Ontario the province’s2021 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review: Build Ontario. The “mini-budget” marks a shift in the government’s approach to the province’s economy from responding […]

Bulletin to Members: Provincial government has released A Plan to Safely Reopen Ontario and Manage COVID-19 for the Long-Term

No. 21/038 – October 25, 2021 Friday afternoon the Ontario government, having consulted with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, released A Plan to Safely Reopen Ontario and Manage COVID-19 for the Long-Term, outlining its gradual approach for lifting remaining […]

Bulletin to Members: Ontario rolls out enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes and new Verify Ontario app for download

No. 21/037 – October 15, 2021 Beginning early this morning, the Ontario government rolled out its enhanced vaccine certificate system, one week earlier than expected. The new electronic certificates, incorporating a QR code, are now available to Ontarians for download. […]

Bulletin to Members: Ontario Government Releases Fall 2021 P3 Market Update

No. 21/036 – October 15, 2021 Thursday afternoon the government of Ontario released its fall 2021 P3 Market Update. Infrastructure Minister Kinga Surma along with Infrastructure Ontario President and Chief Executive Officer, Michael Lindsay, highlighted the agency’s current 38 major […]

Bulletin to Members: Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Delivers Speech from the Throne “Protecting Ontario’s Progress”, to open the Fall Session of Ontario’s 42nd Parliament

No. 21/035 – October 4, 2021 Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, opened a new session of provincial parliament this morning, delivering the speech from the throne, entitled “Protecting Ontario’s Progress”. The throne speech marks the provincial government’s opportunity to lay […]

Bulletin to Members: Ontario Provides Regulations and Guidance Documents Ahead of Proof of Vaccination Requirements coming into Effect September 22nd and some High-Risk Populations will receive Third Vaccinations

No. 21/033 – September 15, 2021 Tuesday afternoon the provincial government released the regulations and guidance for businesses and organizations that will help with the implementation of proof of vaccination requirements, that are coming into effect on September 22, 2021. […]