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Nomination of Directors for 2021-2022

 A key purpose of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is for the election of Directors.  At the Tuesday, September 14, 2021 AGM there are two Director positions to be elected. One position arises because a current Director is reaching the […]

ACEC-Ontario 2021 Awards Engineering Excellence Finalists and Winners

May 20, 2021 – Toronto, ON.  Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC -Ontario) hosted their 19th annual awards program for the Ontario engineering community, recently renamed to the Ontario Engineering Projects Awards (OEPA).  For the second straight year, […]

National Post Article: How Consulting Engineers Drive Innovation

The second law of thermodynamics tells us that change is inevitable, and that without input and controls, change tends towards disorder and chaos. This is true for physical systems as well as socioeconomic systems. Creating positive change in anything requires […]

Bulletin to Members: Reminder for Member Firms to Update MTO RAQS ESP Profiles By April 30th

No. 21/008 – March 5, 2021 ACEC-Ontario is reminding member firms that the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is requiring Engineering Services Provider (ESP) Firms to ensure their qualifications information in their RAQS ESP profiles is updated by April 30, 2021. […]

Bulletin to Members: Government of Ontario extends emergency orders, Stay-at-Home orders remain in effect for Toronto, Peel and North Bay-Parry Sound until at least March 8th

No. 21/006 – February 18, 2021 The Government of Ontario’s emergency orders have been extended until March 21st under the Reopening Ontario Act, the province is maintaining the Stay-at-Home order and all existing public health and workplace safety measures are […]

Bulletin to Members: Government of Ontario announces updated provincial reopening framework: State of emergency to expire, but concern of potential accelerated spread of “COVID variants” tempers cautious optimism of lower trend in reported cases

In consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the government of Ontario is moving to a regional approach and maintaining the shutdown in the majority of the public health regions, including the Stay-at-Home order and all existing public health […]

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario announces the 2021 Ontario Engineering Project Awards Judging Panel

February 8, 2021 – Toronto, ON. The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC-Ontario) is pleased to announce the 2021 panel of judges for the Ontario Engineering Project Awards (OEPA). The current landscape will not stop ACEC-Ontario from celebrating […]

Bulletin to Members: MTO prompts Engineering Services Firms to update RAQS ESP Profiles

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is notifying Engineering Services Provider (ESP) Firms that they need to ensure their qualifications information in their RAQS ESP profiles is updated by April 30, 2021. The ministry’s legacy registry, appraisal and qualification system […]

Bulletin to Members: Government of Ontario extends state of emergency and stay-at-home order

No. 21/003 – January 26, 2021 The Ontario government has extended the declared provincial emergency for an additional 14 days. The declaration of emergency made under section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), originally declared on […]

Bulletin to Members: Government of Ontario declares second state of emergency and issues stay-at-home order, essential business status of construction sector largely unchanged

No. 21/001 – January 12, 2021 In response to a doubling in COVID-19 cases over the past two weeks, the real and looming threat of the collapse of the province’s hospital system and risks posed to long-term care homes as […]